Wednesday, October 26, 2011

God Always Has A Reason

Looking for reasons and then thinking you have things figured out is just silly. The countless hours I have spent thinking for absolutely nothing was just stupid.

God has arranged for you what is best, just walk in the light and receive God's blessings.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

So Many People In Our World

It amazes me how so many lives continue each day and each and every person has their own thoughts; somehow we all live together. We live together with all of our different dreams, desires and visions of life. So different in so many ways.

The one thing we have in common is love.

Show someone love today.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Don't spend more than you have.

Save some, spend some, and give some away. If you owe something pay it back. Do not put your debt on someone else. Take responsibility. Do this and lean on God and all will be fine.

To God goes all the glory.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Clearing a path to Wall Street

Capitalism, our culture whatever you want to call it has no boundaries. The more we have the more we want. The more we push Love and God out, the more time we spend on stuff and money. I truly believe you can not reverse our current condition without God. Let God in and things will change. It's simple. Don't complicate it by religion, politics, people who don't doesn't matter....your prayers and love will change the world.
Believe it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Create a Great Place To Be

Your surroundings are part of you. As you grow, change, go backward and forward, fall behind and move ahead so do the things around you. This evolutionary process may change every second, everyday or even every decade...becoming more of yourself in God's awesome light can be celebrated at any moment!

Home Is Where Creativity Happens...

What The World Needs Now Is Love...

When Hal David wrote these poignant words many years ago, who would know how relevant they would be so many years later.  Jackie De Shannon recorded this song back in the mid sixties and it still rings true today. 
So little love and even less God leaves us feeling desperately alone. Funny we spend so much of our lives wanting to be loved and understood and yet spend the least amount of our time making it happen.
This song has shown up many times over the years. Perhaps most memorable for me are those countless times Mr. Lewis changed the tote board on Labor Day year after year.... this song would play while etching those beautiful Hal David words and that Burt Bacharach melody upon my heart....